Friday, January 03, 2014

To all you silly cricket lovers!

Bah ! Hum"bug" :d

Picture Courtesy: Twitter

Sunday, February 10, 2013


the solution to a problem marks the advent of the next problem or even worse a series! Uncertainty is a b**** I say!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Small and white, clean and bright

The snow is wonderful to look at, as long as you're in the comfort of your office or home. The leaves of the trees have fallen off and a small amount of snow accumulates on the tiny branches like white cream icing on chocolate sticks. There are still bushes which are evergreen and have a lot of leaves. Each of these leaves are heavily laden with snow. The snow doesn't fall off. Instead the leaves assume a cup sorta shape and hold the snow. From a distance it suddenly seems like white cotton flowers have densely bloomed, with a green border of course. That said, the only sad part is the lack of hues. I wish i could go sprinkle turmeric and kesari on the clouds so we could have some colored snow. Of course, with the additional benefit of ppl sneezing away. Imagine!! Colored snow!! Wait wait.. Pink too.. cotton candy!!

Nothing can beat a cup of adrak waali chai.. Sigh.. 

Please don't leave me weekend....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You know you're old...

when all your colleagues you have spoken to over the phone only, end up being pot bellied & partly bald in person.

To add on,
Conversations about the idiosyncrasies of the kids and how they are budding Piccasos is the most interesting one during coffees.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saluton 2013

I decided that posting regularly on the blog should most definitely not be in my resolution list for the New Year if I really wanted to do it. What better than a post of resolutions.

Hello Void and the handful of people who happen to read this!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! May this year be filled with all the joy, happ… who am I kidding? May the year be filled with lesser work pressures, academic pressures, and bowel pressures; And of course relationship woes!

Here’s the list of my New Year ‘Resolutions’ (Rubbing my hands gleefully like the Wicked Witch of the West)

Note for all those who don’t know me: Resolutions are for the general good of the mortals around me, I am perfect already. 
For the rest: In Vadivel's words - "Be careful!!! Naa yenna sollikitein!"
  1. Less (Read more) Coffee!! Coffee is my happy :-) (Note: All ‘Less’ refers to more, all mores refer to more again)
  2. More dark chocolate..
  3. More desserts.. 
  4. More reading.. Phew! finally something away from food 
  5. More writing.. This had to follow bullet 4. I think there must be at least 10 different tests conducted on lower mortals by rather leisurely doctorate students in the United States of America that prove the first word/verb that you associate with ‘reading’ is ‘writing’. The effect is more pronounced if your primary education was in the Indian subcontinent.
  6. That reminds me, cut the full stops. I’d say period but, ermm.. Never mind.. Darn! There goes my resolution! One down already
  7. More yoga. For inner peace of course.  
  8. Lower expectations from people - fewer disappointments. Apparently, it can give you more inner peace than yoga! Speaking of 'lower' how do you decide if I am using it in the adjective or the verb form? It leads us to a rather philosophical question don't you think? Are expectations external or internal? A topic for a new post already! 
  9. More travelling. But no change to the pics uploaded on FB - will stay minimal as usual.
  10. More lenses and rather cross pictures. 
  11. Definitely lesser multi-tasking. The approximate time to travel from bullets 11 to 12 were two Vijay Iyer trio tracks in YouTube :-|
  12. More mac, light room, more indulging 
  13. Let’s start to do something new this year. I resolve to practise my vocal chords, not merely in the presence of shampoos and body washes but in moisture free environments as well.
  14. I also solemnly resolve to start wearing nail paint.
  15. Finally more of all mores and less of all lesses

Saturday, January 21, 2012

When it comes to people, I always struggle to get the right words out at the right time.. and it all becomes Esprit de l'escalier. I need a mouth piece that automatically speaks my mind out.. Hey.. but am I not doing it already? The question is what do I want to say?  ermm...